«Ну что, Тринадцатый, кого должен любить черт?» - «Меня, тебя... Всех! Хочешь сахару?»
немного художник Despite the appearances of the employees and the vaults, Gringotts is not the entrance to the Labyrinth. While in the company of goblins, I must not demand that I be taken to Jareth. Nor shall I tell them "You remind me of the babe".
[These boots are made for walking] - Nomiya, what is the meaning of life? - Who knows. I’ll let you know firsthand when I find out. [Secretly living through the ultimate answer every day]
pity, I'm not allowed to declare an official "Hug a Slytherin Day".
[These boots are made for walking] - Nomiya, what is the meaning of life? - Who knows. I’ll let you know firsthand when I find out. [Secretly living through the ultimate answer every day]
это список "Lauren Cooper was taken into Hogwarts at the age of 15 and what became of it?'))
вообще прелестный список)
Despite the appearances of the employees and the vaults, Gringotts is not the entrance to the Labyrinth. While in the company of goblins, I must not demand that I be taken to Jareth. Nor shall I tell them "You remind me of the babe".
Потрясный, хотя и бородатый)
I must not start a "Vetinari for Minister of Magic" campaign.pity, I'm not allowed to declare an official "Hug a Slytherin Day".это список "Lauren Cooper was taken into Hogwarts at the age of 15 and what became of it?'))Он самый %)