«Ну что, Тринадцатый, кого должен любить черт?» - «Меня, тебя... Всех! Хочешь сахару?»
Как одна статья в Википедии может сделать тебя шиппером
According to the original series pitch document, Marceline and Princess Bubblegum have a 'friendly rivalry' akin to that of a frenemy relationship. Bubblegum shows discomfort around Marceline and appears to disapprove of her creepy ways, while Marceline simply responds to this disapproval with mock affability, even teasing her with Bubblegum's first name of "Bonnibel" and inability to show someone a good time like her. In "What Was Missing," it is shown that Marceline and Princess Bubblegum used to have an undefined relationship, which was seemed to have broken over a past feud. The two can clash easily, as seen in "What Was Missing " when Marceline sang "I'm Just Your Problem" directed towards her and spat on Princess Bubblegum's jacket in the midst of a heated and highly emotional argument. In the same episode, it is revealed that Princess Bubblegum's stolen item is a t-shirt Marceline gave to her some time ago. The princess says she sleeps in the shirt as pajamas, causing Marceline to blush, something she only does when feeling very emotional, which is visible in a few episodes. This resulted in much fan speculation about the nature of their relationship and Marceline's feelings for Princess Bubblegum.

Картиночные псты: www.diary.ru/~yuri-4ever/p167702148.htm , www.diary.ru/~yuri-4ever/p167665597.htm
Еще немного шипперских слюней и отстраненного, холодного анализа на тему "ну почему это не каноооон?!?, а еще - ссылка на лав-хэйт песенку Марселины, спетую для Бабблгам:
"Sorry I don’t treat you like a goddess
Is that what you want me to do?
Sorry I don’t treat you like you’re perfect,
Like all your little loyal subjects do
Sorry I’m not made of sugar,
Am I not sweet enough for you?
Is that why you always avoid me?
That must be such an inconvenience to you
I forget what landed me on your black list
But I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I shouldn’t have to be the one that makes up with you
So, why do I want to? Why do I want to…
To… bury you in the ground and drink the blood from your… ugh"
Код для фемленты
According to the original series pitch document, Marceline and Princess Bubblegum have a 'friendly rivalry' akin to that of a frenemy relationship. Bubblegum shows discomfort around Marceline and appears to disapprove of her creepy ways, while Marceline simply responds to this disapproval with mock affability, even teasing her with Bubblegum's first name of "Bonnibel" and inability to show someone a good time like her. In "What Was Missing," it is shown that Marceline and Princess Bubblegum used to have an undefined relationship, which was seemed to have broken over a past feud. The two can clash easily, as seen in "What Was Missing " when Marceline sang "I'm Just Your Problem" directed towards her and spat on Princess Bubblegum's jacket in the midst of a heated and highly emotional argument. In the same episode, it is revealed that Princess Bubblegum's stolen item is a t-shirt Marceline gave to her some time ago. The princess says she sleeps in the shirt as pajamas, causing Marceline to blush, something she only does when feeling very emotional, which is visible in a few episodes. This resulted in much fan speculation about the nature of their relationship and Marceline's feelings for Princess Bubblegum.

Картиночные псты: www.diary.ru/~yuri-4ever/p167702148.htm , www.diary.ru/~yuri-4ever/p167665597.htm
Еще немного шипперских слюней и отстраненного, холодного анализа на тему "ну почему это не каноооон?!?, а еще - ссылка на лав-хэйт песенку Марселины, спетую для Бабблгам:
"Sorry I don’t treat you like a goddess
Is that what you want me to do?
Sorry I don’t treat you like you’re perfect,
Like all your little loyal subjects do
Sorry I’m not made of sugar,
Am I not sweet enough for you?
Is that why you always avoid me?
That must be such an inconvenience to you
I forget what landed me on your black list
But I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I shouldn’t have to be the one that makes up with you
So, why do I want to? Why do I want to…
To… bury you in the ground and drink the blood from your… ugh"
Код для фемленты
Дальше намёков правда точно ничего ждать не стоит.
Если бы не была сабтекста, о чем мы писали бы фики?)
Все равно я благодарна авторам. Вампирша-рокерша в широкополой шляпе и розовая сопля, что может быть романтичнее...
ну так хороши же!)
Хотя там все хороши. Принцесса Слизи, обожмой. Принцесса Принцессных Принцесс!..