Вот такой
флаг я обнаружила на одном из посольских особняков, коих в переулках в центре превеликое множество.
Я долго протирала глаза – все шесть штук, - крестилась и всячески пыталась избавиться от
Нет, все верно, именно такая пентаграмма украшает герб
...королевства Марокко.
The 6-branch star used in the Moroccan flag is also known as the Seal of Solomon (Sulaïman in Arabic) or the Star of David. However, this is a misconception since the 6-branch star is a symbol of life, wisdom and good health common to all three monotheistic religions. The Seal of Solomon was also stamped on the 100 and 200 francs coins as well as on some Makhzen stamps until 1954.
According to Rachid Sbihi, it seems that the change of stars was done by General Lyautey when getting ready to send Moroccan troops to fight during World War I. Rachid Sbihi points out that reasons why General Lyautey would do such a thing were neither clear nor valid. The Moroccan people however, were given another explanation that could be the right one: the new star was best adapted to the country’s religion and faith since the 5 branches could symbolize the 5 pillars of Islam (c).